L e g a c y Activation
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"I tried almost everything and my girl friend suggested I take a look into Omarian Atman's gift and now my chronic migraines have never come back since I worked with him over the phone. It defies all my logic but then I slowly realized that there are things beyond current logical beliefs and the results speak for themselves I strongly recommend Omarian Atman's Legacy Activation method to anyone."
- Robert T. Bosten Massachusets
Long Distance
Healing Activation

"My mother tried Omarian's Legacy Activation technique first and begged me to do it for months. But you how it goes when children take good advice from their parents. So glad I did though and now my heart conditions have never come back. You're the best! My mother and I can't wait to meet you!"
- Lee T. Portland OR
"When I put my name on something it is good. I don't usually recommend people who are in my industry, but Omarian is very compassionate and never says no. When you need his help he is totally dedicated and passionate about his work. Trust me it works. I was a little skeptical, but it helped me a lot. Omarian knows what he is doing, and I was in the U.K. and Omarian was in the U.S.A at the time. My sister has met him in Los Angeles, and she tells me that there is something special about this man." Love and light, light, light."
- J. Lane UK

"Hi and hello from Washington DC. I wanted to make sure that my results with my health lasted, so I waited for two months before writing this. On my journey to health, I finally found the right noninvasive modality for my health needs - the Legacy Effect. This was an approach unknown to me until that fateful day I was referred to Omarian Atman. His transmissions over the phone were able to help my body heal from things that I have been struggling with for years. In one Legacy Transmission, 90% of my health problems vanished; the remaining 10% are simple lifestyle changes that will enhance my full recovery. The Legacy Transmission was the most precise and powerful energy session I have ever experienced in my life! It removed the cause of my health problems and repaired and healed deep chronic health issues resulting in me feeling more energy without coffee during the day, more focused thoughts, and more focus on details, and my level of happiness is through the roof now. I strongly recommend and endorse Omarian Atman's Legacy Activation Transmissions for all generations. My recommendation is - Give it a try, and your health will be transformed for the better."
- Samantha D. Washington D.C.

"Just wanted to thank you again from the bottom of my heart Omarian for helping with regenerating my muscle growth so fast. I don't know how you did it but I am back in the gym again. Much Luv brother!."
- Kyle L. Huston TX

"Omarian Atman thank you for helping me get the use of my left arm back My wife and kids are very grateful to you and your god given gift."
- Eddie B. Chicago IL

"Hallo! I want to thank you Omarian for helping me with your Legacy Activations to overcome my lifelong chronic fatigue that I had been battling since I was a child. It feels so good to have my life and my energy and control of my schedule back! You are truly an amazing human being."
- Ida S. Brucuwrist Germany

"I was going to go through a rough time in my life that was severely affecting my health and making me slide deeper into more health issues that caused me to be bedridden for over two full years. Working with Omarain Atman was as if something turned on a switch in me and in just a few days I was more than fine. Like somehow that part of me that was ill was brought into an unseeable place where that could not exist. Deep prayers to you and what you do Omarian."
- Bob A. Victoria Canada

"It's still incredible to me how easy things really are once you get centered within yourself. Thank you Omarian for sharing your gift so I could find the healing power within myself. May life bless you wherever you go!"
- Alex T. Denver Colorodo
"It not only improved my health but my perception of my life too. It's as if I am in sync with my own life. I have never experienced anything like this before. and got the results I was looking for thanks to Omarian Atman's Legacy Activation."
- Trevor H. Seattle WA

"My friends and family thought I was crazy for trying Omarian's Legacy Activation method but after I did my health has never been better ever since. Can't say the same for the rest... Well, let's just say they need to try it too. Thanks, Omarian for everything!"
- Lawrence J. Huston TX

"I have seen a lot of things in my life and people who give a good show of things but Omarian Atman is the real deal. It's how he shows up and what he brings to the table. He walks his talk for sure. I highly recommend him."
- Brad F. Seatle WA

"After discovering that my wife and I were allergic to each other and were causing each other to have an autoimmune disorder, we tried various remedies without success. Then we came across Omarian Atman's services online, and though I was skeptical at first, it worked beyond our expectations. Now, we are no longer allergic to each other and we can cuddle as much as we want and wear whatever we want without any health issues. We are extremely grateful to Omarian Atman for all his help and hope to meet him in person soon!"
- Brent A., El Paso, TX
"When the laws of entropy collide with the eternal law of eternity within you, you become the powerful catalyst that completely alters the rules of entropy."
- Omarian Atman
"When the laws of entropy collide with the eternal law of eternity within you, you become the powerful catalyst that completely alters the rules of entropy."
- Omarian Atman
Beginner & Advanced Session Options

Choosing Legacy Activation transmissions is simple and easy. If it's your first time with us select "Emergence" for beginners in addition to any other transmission you may want. For instance, if you would like to assist yourself in creating a greater connection to the source within you in order to dissolve a health condition choose Part 1. L-Pules. If you would like to abolish confusion and increase unwavering clarity, focus, and flexibility within the mind to manifest quicker and with greater efficiency choose part 2. B.C.N. .
Choosing the right Legacy Activation for you.
50% off any Legacy Activation session when purchased and scheduled prior to or at least 14 days before your next upcoming birthday, moments after the birth of a child for the child, and or becoming newlyweds. Click here to book now.
4 hr
999.99 Dolara amerikanina
4 hr
999.99 Dolara amerikanina2 hr
499.99 Dolara amerikanina1 hr
999.99 Dolara amerikanina
50% Off Birthday Reading Options
Must be booked within 2 weeks before, on, and within 2 weeks after your birthday.
If you would like 50% off all sessions for one whole year then check out our Tripple Diamond Membership
Now that you've done the beginners
foundation session you can now pick & and choose any of the sessions below.
2 hr
499.99 Dolara amerikanina2 hr
499.99 Dolara amerikanina2 hr
499.99 Dolara amerikanina
![]() Omarian Atman Legacy of Light50% Off Birthday readings when scheduled in advanced with and choice of a Legacy Astrology Reading. |
Now that you have purchased your Legacy Activation™ transmission here are a few steps to help you receive and get the most out of your Legacy Effect™ session with Omarian Atman, you will need to email or send a link with a clear photo of you and or area of a health focus. Get connected and begin your health Legacy with Omarian Atman today. Tips: Remember that you can be in a quiet, comfortable place or you can be out and about if you like. To get the most out of your Legacy Effect™ session here are a few easy, efficient, and very cool tips to use.
1. Provide the most recent, clear photo of you (without sunglasses) and or area of stress. You can include a list of the things that you are aware of that cause these stresses. For example Pain areas, sleep disturbances, environments, old physical and emotional wounds, or injuries.
2. Give at least 60 minutes after meals before your Legacy Session. This will keep blood flow in your head arms and legs more rather than your stomach used to digest the foods you have eaten. Keeping more even blood flow in your whole system during sessions creates and even transfer Light in your body.
3. Give at least 60 minutes after showers or baths before your Legacy Activation Session. Water will make your body EMF (Electro Magnetic Field) hug and tuck just on or under the skin's surface thereby widening the gap between your ability to take in light during sessions.
4. create a quiet, comfortable place for yourself, where you will be undisturbed for the duration of the session time.
5. Wear comfortable clothes. Colors or white are recommended. 6. Turn off any television screens and wifi routers in the home.
7. Remove any electrical devices from your body such as wristwatches, pagers, blue tooth's, and or cell phones, and place them at least 15 feet away from your body after you have turned off the single for almost all of these devices. Gold, Silver, and Crystals are ok to leave your body during sessions unless otherwise advised.
8. Look in the mirror and think about your most happy memory and when you feel a smile taking over your face, say "thank you" and say to your self; "I absolutely love who I am, and I give self-full and absolute permission to be and have all good things in life, in all areas of my life. I am Love. I am Wisdom. I am Power. I am Light."
9. Finally, lay or sit down where you can be warm and take a deep breath. Note: Do not worry if you are not entirely ready at the exact starting time of the session for all will meet you when you are ready.