Our Organization
OmarrianAtman.com delivers high-quality products and services through two delivery models: our staff model and our independent Olympus Light association (OLA) model, through which we contract with independent health and wellness specialists. Health Partners, our affiliated management services organization and a division of OLA, manages the administrative systems of its staff model and provides a full range of central support services to its OLA network.
Health Partners (management services organization)
Along with the administrative and central support services offered to its staff and OLA models, Health Partners also provides strategic planning, implementation, and development of integrated delivery systems, and provides expertise in OLA and medical group formation.
Health Partners Group (staff model)
Rated as one of the best in the country, our group is composed of more than 7 locations and employs more than 180 health and wellness providers. Our service area includes Los Angeles, Santa Monica, Laguna Beach, Carmel and Santa Barbara, Saint George UT and Hawaii. And we are one of the largest single providers of products and services for seniors and children in those areas.
Partners Institute for Applied Research and Education
Our Partners Institute for Applied Research and Education works to improve communities and Nationwide health and self-awareness by conducting research in health and wellness, scientific and metaphysical studies with a focus on managed care and benchmarking best practices. The Institute's research is designed to improve life outcomes and client experience through delivery system redesign, health, wellness, and self-awareness educational platforms. By providing published literature on proven innovative solutions on these programs.
Partners Independent Practioner Association (OLA model)
Through the OLA model, practitioners in the community affiliated with our partners and the communities we serve have access to a broader selection of practitioners in our field. These OLAs consist of more than 300 contracted practitioners. Who also works with more than 250 contracted specialists, who see clients referred by both OLA and staff model practitioners. The OLA service area overlays and extends the practitioner's partners' staff model to surrounding communities.
Our Code of Conduct
Our partners and we take great pride in caring and providing for our clients and the difference we make in their lives. We are committed to providing quality products and services. We are equally committed to conducting our business activities in compliance with our policies and procedures, applicable laws and regulations, and our Code of Conduct. Our Code of Conduct is central to our Vision, Mission, and Core Values and is an integral part of the OLA's partners Compliance Program.